Very Dear investors and female investors,
because I was over the weekend on the Investors the Nanostart in Frankfurt am Main I will now almost exclusively with the Investors and company Nanostart deal.
written As I went to extra Frankfurt and expected me really do not think very much of this meeting, because there should be only three, namely the German holdings , where present. What then could I do, however, was quite impressive and I would like to report in detail.
First of all let me say that only about 30 people accepted the invitation. However, these were supplied by the Nanostart not only with the following buffet culinary well, but like already much Infom aterial ( Folders ) and even the book " Nano Stocks " of Nanostart CEO Marco Beckmann and his colleague Philipp Lenz in the second and revised edition. have accessed course, all this love. And then we went already going on.
Nanostart Chef Marco Beckmann welcomed the guests and noted that the meeting was met with little response, unfortunately, right. This, however, he pointed out, see positive, because it shows the currently not many investors are interested in nanotechnology and would the big hype therefore still imminent. This thesis he backed up with statistics which showed that the nano market Although today about 100 billion U.S. $ (about 83.35 billion € ) is large, but that market has been estimated by various observers to 2010 to 1 trillion U.S. $ (about 833.5 billion € ) and up 2014 to 2.6 trillion U.S. $ (about 2.17 billion € should increase). is already in many products nanotechnology (as an example which Beckmann beer in plastic bottles, which only reason can in plastic bottles are filled, because the PET bottles before with the help of coated nanotechnology had been), but this will not explicitly mentioned (it is not " Nano beer" because so Beckmann literally). Then he set the strategy the Nanostart in detail.
It is currently leader in nanotech investments in Germany and Europe and would also continue to establish themselves here. The U.S. interests are therefore much lower, because this was just building for diversification reasons. medium one plane but a own office in the USA (which is currently only an analyst for Nanostart active, but which best contacts have as the last show would received investments ) and long-term using Dr. Marc Faber and especially Softbank also the entry in the Asian market. present focus is however on Germany and headquartered in Frankfurt am Main .
Here we have set for 01/10/2005 two new analysts because you currently receive because of the excellent reputation of the company in the industry every day, several new business plans from which a maximum of 1% was interesting. However, if something interesting is in the process, then you also build equity and support the relevant company also available with help and advice. Pride was Mr. Beckmann , of his own words 3,800 euros net per month earned , to the fact that one to 30/09/2005 just 130,000 euros in salaries paid to all employees together have. There was in the company no company cars and office furniture were largely from Ikea, with the exception of a conference table and desk chief. In this context Mr. Beckmann then referred on some critical press on Nanostart and stressed that it had achieved last year after all a small profit of 5.000 € and the company thus no money-burning . They would rather money invest in promising investments and not in company cars etc. The gain could be achieved, according to Beckmann, since it includes the core business Nanotechbeteiligungen nor the DAC Nanotech Fund would advise and there revenue generating . At first glance, these are indeed Peanuts , but they financed the offices and the salaries and therefore also the 5000 € profit last year. On criticism how one would get for such a small salary at executives said the company Mr. Beckmann that a medium stock option program was planned and also currently would have kept 16 000 Nanostart shares of the various employees. This would have got this shares course at a reduced price. Allegedly, he and major shareholder BF Holding , is behind the Bernd Foertsch , for their shares 3.00 euros per piece paid and neither BF Holding yet he had shares sold. A share sale was not have been planned just as the recent capital increase . Because with the major U.S. investor that should be long-term oriented and if necessary, money nachschießen would and Softbank subsidiary SBI-USA was Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein ( Beckmann stuck to the formulation "one of the four largest German banks", but later confirmed in an interview by the press, the bank already "unmasked" did, although he did not know how the could happen) so only allows about this capital the entry was, because neither he nor Foertsch wanted to give shares . As for the talk it was so, but later in the personal conversation was there any further information.
This explains Mr. Beckmann he had studied law and capital market would have worked while studying at Fidelity , thereby drawing attention to the nanotechnology was. He also had Philipp Lenz Lenz was being the various technologies and Beckmann as a capital markets law expert for the accounting estimate assesses competence; taken and they had co-written the famous book. This is Bernd Foertsch hear about him and he had spent some time at the "Nanotech Report . Since then he should build but the Nanostart he was left there and now the boss of Nanostart . Mr. Foertsch is indeed major shareholder of Nanostart But let him complete freedom. For Bernd Foertsch the Nanostart was more of a little lover investment, as this would have been working on completely different projects. He said the company still, that happiness was the office space rented quite cheap and you have to plan very well expand the " Financial Service " business . Thus one could also represent a Fund, the only institutional investors is made available, etc. hang up conflicts of interest were always excluded by the way, as it would add contracts, conflicts of interest impossible.
made All in all Mr. Beckmann a g , serious and uten impression nice and answered all questions, even critical as I have found to my satisfaction. Simply for the upcoming NanoFocus IPO he could and could not comment of course. He promised, however, that this was the original shareholders of Nanostart subscription rights, may already provide for the NanoFocus IPO . However, such action was not in the USA possible, the only possible for NanoFocus or more IPOs in Germany would. And promise, he could actually still nothing! That was it for Nanostart presented itself and now the ahead of equity.
first came ItN Nanovation from Saarbrücken . These deal with Ceramics and have some interesting products prepared, wherein one is unique in the world, because as pretty much the only company worldwide in a position nanoparticles on a large scale (pronounced to could produce 300 tons of ). Especially the investigator Dr. Neuner impressed others with a film that should contain the whole nanotechnology in short form. In addition to the filters have ItN Nanovation still coatings for coal plants in the program. The presentation of Dr. Neuner was not only investors view , but also from physical view mE very interesting seems and the company ItN Nanovation yet more to offer than I was previously aware of.
After ItN Nanovation then came the Berlin Magforce Nanotechnologies turn. CEO Dr. Andreas Jordan presented in detail the nanobased Cancer therapy and showed a impressive film of the WDR on Magforce . He also told how far the research is well advanced and would now run the 7 different trials against various cancers . In addition, he was able to tell very proud that it would already be a private health insurance that would pay the treatment of Magforce completely said, expressing convinced to 2007, marketing approval for the method developed to achieve . He stressed that this is only a approval as a medical device is (not a pharmaceutical product) so that will be applied with completion of Phase II trials and the approval could be standing just before the end of Phase II in various cancers . Although it skeptical comments to him personally and also the Magforce admit he believed in a success. Later he reported that it had even told him Manager of General Electric the one the company Magforce well as one of only five nanotech companies closely and if successful, the nano-based cancer therapy could buy the company , even if one must put this multi-billion on the table. My question as Nanostart to 57% could save on Magforce answered Dr. Jordan mE true, for he was plainly to the his company then, the entry of Nano launch AG , have been virtually on the insolvency . It was thought that is listed with a Berlin venture capital firm co-operated and cooperation at the end was a disaster. To save the company he had then heard several offers from investors and Nanostart have made the best offer. Nanostart CEO Beckmann said in the context , that he likes even more interest in all investments , but especially to Magforce keep would and this company - if the nano-based cancer therapy would be a success - even a NASDAQ Story could be. For more U.S. investors would the Magforce " break down the booth " and although Beckmann also admitted that one 15 years ago (as Dr. Jordan his research began) there no money invested had.
came last then NanoFocus and this was probably the least interesting presentation on . This, however, had much the company or its CEO to answer for, but rather was the imminent IPO due. Because under this IPO could you not comment on many issues (eg after equity , sales , profit / loss etc.). NanoFocus has at least the slogan " See more " and wants to contact their instruments standards. The blogs also succeed the customer lists show on recently, the American NIST and would be Max-Planck-Gesellschaft . Furthermore, we have to a British company an OEM supply agreement closed so a year to sell several thousand instruments. For IPO it meant only that NanoFocus probably will the second company in new Entry Standard (which must mean that the IPO will probably take place in early November, as the Design Bau AG will be the first Entry Standard companies listed there from 25 October ) and it definitely a IPO and give no listing will. Insert As written in Beckmann will personally for subscription rights the Nanostart shareholders , but whether there would be this is still not certain as yet not approved by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, in short, BaFin available.
In conclusion I would say to me that this day has been worthwhile. The presentations the Nanostart , ItN Nanovation , the Magforce Nanotechnologies and NanoFocus were all entertaining and h ochinteressant . The food was first class and so we could still talk to almost 22 clock with the various boards . I have myself to Dr. Jordan of Magforce - yet very convinced of his company (he guaranteed almost the marketing approval of newly developed cancer therapy, although Beckmann said explicitly it all to allow time for the world and also in agreement with a marketing authorization in 2009 or would be) - and focuses Nanostart CEO Marco Beckmann . In an interview with Mr. Beckmann was to hear that you have in 2006 probably the IPO the ItN Nanovation in Germany and a or two IPOs of American investments, mostly then of course on the NASDAQ , plans. In question would probably ensure the NaturalNano and NanoOpto - subscription rights but it may be impossible in the United States there because of strict SEC unfortunately. Probably not yet ripe exchange but very interesting long term for Mr. Beckmann the way the American Arrowhead. And he always finds interesting and of course, all investments will invite the next Investors possibly the Swedish Obducat or an American participation . Further interest could also be that the Nanostart at IPOs - and that includes the upcoming NanoFocus IPO - no ( or few ) issue shares is. However, begins with a IPO the " time of exit ," said Beckmann .
I hope I did not forget any important information, but if one or the other but what stands out so he use the comment function and Adding such information. I for one was , am and remains of the Nanostart convinced see and unchanged target price of 25 € by year end. And should only be the Magforce Nanotechnologies a success, it may long be much more!
In this sense I am grateful for the attention of all my readers , wish you a successful trading or a successful Stock market week and say good bye for now again!
your Sascha