Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How To Block My Number When I Text Rogers


Wednesday morning, it is 8.26Uhr. I'm in a fairly modern room on the top floor of the modern annex of our school. His name: Schöning (I must admit not knowing the correct spelling) because it was an office building of the same publisher earlier or something.

is in this room with my English course and the course instructor. We just want to do some writing tasks, after all that's important so we know how to write the words that we speak. The question is whether we have good after three Years of English still happen, the volatile typical stupid spelling mistakes as in the beginning ...

Outside it is gray. It was pleasant after the long hot again rained, the through large windows give the room and the atmosphere somewhat melancholy gray. The pronunciation of my teacher is quite amusing as they austestet speaking again and again the differences between a high and a slightly deeper voice. If it is not [As I understand it] would be prohibited from teaching the [closed space;)] record and release it, I would like to do it. With my seat neighbors on the left, I talk briefly about the Impact of rain on hair wax or similar [-> Sticky] and that I "with something like that fortunately never had stress. I hope that he can not read what I write, because even I would find it something very strange when I am with someone about my meaningless entertain and he recorded everything directly with a pen on his checkered PRINCE A5 block. Speaking A5: I hope I get my new laptop last week. but I hate having to type out, I finish my notes here.

Thank you for your interest,


Bloc Party -hearing


PS: Now swaps the person sitting next to someone different from their own experiences with basement flooding. Now they talk about the weather ...