Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Can My Lip Sore Be Something Besides Herpes?


How can you throw away a freezer bag with some coffee in, although there is no coffee for weeks? I grab his head, say "No, no, no!" and hope that the guilty be deeply ashamed. Your


Friday, July 10, 2009

Shift Adater For Nikon

Pick Yourself Up!!

Nothings impossible I have found For when my chin is
on the ground I pick myself up
, dust myself off, start all over again

Do not lose your confidence if you slip Be grateful for
a pleasant trip And pick yourself up
, dust yourself off and start all over again Work like a soul

inspired till the battle of the day is won You may be
sick and tired but you'll be a Man my son
Do you remember the famous man who had to fall to rise again? They picked themselves up
, dust themselves off and started all over again

you for all ...

(Yes, you know exactly that I mean you)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sebaceous Cyst Removal Cost $

IMSA Report 2009 No 1

On Friday evening, there are the famous Vorsaufen, known as a banner to hang. Moment, which is screened Fanhe suspended, Uja ne do me so sorry, but even the first blog. I had the following thought: "Someday I'll do a blog entry in which I write that I am due to write any more drunk can and that will be full of the party gag, but who would have expected me on the first evening so dense in, well, who cares! rechtschrebfehler based on the leak. and otherwise so !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Does Drinking Red Wine Make Black Stools


The blog entry with the funny name