Friday, August 28, 2009

Butal-apap-325caff Tab Mik

tagesschau is already on your list.

I wonder why Twitter tells me that. I pressed it just the "Follow" button. I combine: he responded so well that the double click, which I took on the said button, was also counted twice. If you were to click that is 100 times the "Follow" button, he would put 100 times the daily show "on your list", but since Twitter's not stupid, he recognizes the after the first know that last time and for the other 99 are then each small window appears in which "daily show is already on your list." stands. It's okay, really! What is also good (but note Reconciliation ARGH !)... Oh ... I encourage myself to do not only that my laptop is expected simply because the (/ of) the battery was empty. But he has not simply a fat OS, that virtually all of my hard drive is full it. Is clear that then can not warn me that is the same all over. That's the only sometimes, now and then, if it is always the same no matter whether the laptop starts, if for example rumsurft just stupid. Then it always warns.

Well, I have a whole lot had just written about my coat and asked me if today should be the third day when I wear it, but this is way off course. I just had the file "tagesschau number so and so" (. Doc!) folders stored on my blog, then nochn written bit, when everything abkackte. Of course, my big operating system also has a document restore function. The only hope left me, but do nothing. The mine has cleverly brought back the only thing I had always saved. But enough. I have always so upset.

Back to my transition, "What is good (note, reconciliation!)" (Sven Federupp, "tagesschau number so and so", line 7) is that the cigarettes are so expensive now. This is really good, sometimes determined smokes any more. And you could leave cigarette vending machines and sell each box for all 4 €, because you have to do not offer incredibly cheap, the former are usually so expensive. The State raises the price of stolen cigarettes. This will help the economy! Cigarette thieves then have much more money for new cars, for example, or wind turbines, which indeed both good for the environment, as we know. So I for one will continue to buy ready made cigarettes, I'm currently not as dependent on tobacco of, but then I only buy some for 3.70. Are already good at Lucky's Soft Pack for so much.

Now after the comment on the weather. I left the house yet, but after this morning looked verrrrrrrrrrregneter, now the sun is shining now and then. My laptop says with 22 ° C and it was cloudy. However, I still want the Pader meadows visit today, and striving for the evening call again some alcohol consumption, easy interest, you've probably my cell phone number. Then I think depending on the proposal, what I do.

Nungut, I will now make a music recommendation, for example: John Zorn's album "Alhambra Love Songs" , and now I'm out. I still need to iron.


PS: the second was now probably a bit better.


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